Apple’s Health Innovation: Testing Blood-Sugar Tracking for Prediabetes and Noninvasive Monitoring

Apple tests a prediabetes tracking app as part of its health tech ambitions, moving closer to noninvasive glucose monitoring that could redefine diabetes care. Learn more about Apple’s future in health

Oct 26, 2024 - 12:49
Oct 26, 2024 - 12:50
Apple’s Health Innovation: Testing Blood-Sugar Tracking for Prediabetes and Noninvasive Monitoring
Apple’s Blood-Sugar App: A Big Step Toward Diabetes Prevention and Health Tracking

Apple Inc. is making serious moves in the health technology sector, recently testing an app designed to help prediabetic users track their food intake and monitor blood-sugar levels. This project is part of Apple’s broader vision to support users with health management tools that encourage healthier lifestyles and prevent conditions like diabetes. According to exclusive information available to, this internal test is one piece of Apple's ambitious health-tech roadmap, which could soon include a groundbreaking noninvasive glucose tracker for wearable devices.

In this recent trial, select Apple employees confirmed to be at risk for Type 2 diabetes participated in testing the app. With the help of current market-available glucose monitors, these participants tracked their blood sugar in response to specific foods. The app would then alert them to foods that triggered spikes in glucose levels—an insightful tool that could empower users to make healthier food choices. For instance, if a user’s blood sugar surged after a pasta lunch, the app might suggest swapping out the meal for a protein-based option to stabilize glucose levels.

Though currently paused, the project aimed to explore the potential of blood-sugar monitoring and how Apple might integrate these insights into future tools. While no public release is planned at this time, sources indicate that the app could contribute to a larger system of health management, eventually becoming part of Apple’s Health app, which currently lacks meal-logging features available in competitor platforms. This expansion would align with Apple’s vision to incorporate deeper, lifestyle-oriented health insights.

Apple’s ambitious health projects don’t end here. The company has been quietly working on a no-prick glucose monitoring device for more than a decade. This device, which aims to measure blood glucose without any skin penetration, could offer a significant improvement for diabetes management. The current prototype is reportedly iPhone-sized, though Apple is focusing on refining it for smaller wearables like the Apple Watch.

The envisioned noninvasive monitor uses laser technology, emitting light through the skin to assess blood-sugar levels based on glucose concentrations. Though this technology is still in development, Apple envisions a future where the device might be able to alert users if they are at risk for prediabetes, offering them actionable data to make lifestyle adjustments before diabetes develops.

While no immediate timeline is set for public launch, Apple is committed to bringing user-friendly, impactful health innovations to market. Previous internal trials have paved the way for features like sleep apnea monitoring on the Apple Watch and hearing aids for AirPods, so this project could follow a similar path. Health tech is becoming a cornerstone of Apple’s long-term vision, and the company’s pursuit of accessible, preventive care through technology could bring meaningful changes to millions worldwide.

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